Marek Kowalski

Wywołaj zdjęcia łatwo i pięknie!

Twoje zdjęcia najwyższej jakości! Do każdego pakietu zdjęć powyżej 100 - piękne kartonowe pudełeczko do przechowywania. Kliknij zielony przycisk -wybierz zdjęcia- i zaznacz te, które chcesz wywołać w naturalnych, żywych kolorach:) To banalnie łatwe:) Cennik wywoływania zdjęć na górze strony.

Select photos

If the photo select button doesn't work, make sure your browser has permission to read photos on your device turned on. Read more

To change the settings, follow these steps:
Settings / Applications / |Browser| / Permissions select Files and Media and then choose Allow.

Depending on the Android version, this process may vary a little.

Prepare the order

Select more photos, change size or amount of prints.

  • 1 x 9x13 cm
    Price: 1.3 per print
  • 1 x 10x15 cm
    Price: 1.3 per print
  • 1 x 13x18 cm
    Price: 2.5 per print
  • 1 x 15x23 cm
    Price: 3.1 per print
  • 1 x 15x21 cm
    Price: 2.9 per print
  • 1 x 10x10 cm
    Price: 1.5 per print
  • 1 x 21x30 cm
    Price: 19 per print
  • 1 x 30x40 cm
    Price: 38 per print
  • 1 x 30x45 cm
    Price: 40 per print
  • 1 x Polaroid 10x10
    Price: 1.5 per print
  • Opening price
    The minimum price was not exceeded
  • Discount coupon
    From the value of the order
  • Photo correction
    Photo color correction (delete)
    PLN 0.00
  • Online payment fee
  • Total
    Prints: 0
    PLN 0.00

Select the delivery and payment option.

Fill in the required data.

Your phone number will be used only for the purpose of fulfilling this order.
E-mail address:
You will receive a notification to this address that your order has changed.
Pick-up point:
Company Name:
Name and surname:
Order Notes:

Cancel order Place an order

The order has been placed

Order number:

  • To pay

Make another order

Cropping an image: